The Rattler Striking in the Big Apple: CBS News Internship and NYC Blog

Hey Everyone-

From June 2, 2014- August 8, 2014 I will be interning at CBS News in New York City, NY.  I'm working with the Sunday Morning Show. I want to share my experience with my viewers. I will write about my responsibilities for The Sunday Morning Show. Of course I want to tell stories about my remarkable time in the City. Plenty of photos will be posted. I hope my internship blog can keep everyone engaged. Stay tuned!

- Reporter Brittany


Saturday June 28, 2014

I've been touring the city, but not as much because I work on some weekends. The longer I've been interning, the more work I get assigned. This means my body feels tired, telling me I should stay in for the night. But Saturday, I was back with the crew. This time I felt at home.

In Brooklyn, many of the Rattlers interning in NYC came out to the FAMU alumni barbecue in Brooklyn. It was great seeing graduates of my school. We ate, talked, caught up. I met people I never knew. We were all Rattlers and we've all been on the hill, so the conversations came naturally.

Graduates from all programs at FAMU united with us previous students. Everything we're going through, they went through. That gave me hope that I can become someone special after graduation. Hearing them talk about how they finally made it to their goal, but they still have a long way to go gave me an insight on what my life after college will be. We all knew about Spike Lee's "Do the right thing" block party in Bed Stuy. We had the chance to see Dave Chappelle, Mos Def, Erykah Badu, and of course Spike Lee.

Wednesday June 11, 2014

Tonight was one of the best nights I've had during my time in the city. I had not regrets. I lost rest, but it was worth every bit.

After work, we went to Brooklyn. We wanted to attend this open mike poetry night called 'Limelight' at CoreletteNY. ' The food was so good.. It was island and Caribbean food. We ate jerk chicken, rice and peas, and ox tails. I loved the theme of CoreletteNY. It was a modern jazzy place. The music and poetry was beautiful.

Later that night on the subway we were speaking the different languages we knew. One of my friends spoke German, so she begin talking. This guy on the subway knew Germany and began speaking with her. Next thing, they started a conversation. One of my other friends begin speaking french and then the guy began speaking french with him. We finally asked how many languages he knew. I started speaking spanish, and we realized he knew that as well. This was one of the most amazing nights we've had thus far. Once we gotten off the subway, the guy introduced himself and he spoke with us. He said words we all needed to hear at the moment. He gave us advice to success and told us his story. Every single one of us has had struggles in life. We have all wondered if we would make it to the top in life. We knew we were good, but there's someone out there who is always better.

His story to success gave us hope that we could make it. If one of us in the pact makes it, then we all make it. Our competition is not in the inside of FAMU's J-school, it's on the outside. The words he spoke to us made us think about life in a whole new way. He told us the main parts to success is knowing how to read and write. While he was talking, I kept thinking it's amazing how you can meet someone on a random subway and they can give you the answers to all of your questions.

Sunday June 7, 2015

Everyone who goes to Harlem must make their way to Sylvias. I still talk about that restaurant until this day. The food was so good. It was fulfilling, and when I ate it I thought about the south. My friend and I ordered the smothered chicken.

We got different sides, so we could share. I got garlic mash potatoes and macaroni and cheese. She got the rice and candy yams. We were so full after eating that plate that we didn't eat anymore food that night.

Saturday June 6, 2015

Many of the interns who were off on Saturday went to China town, Little Italy and Korea Town.

Seeing the tall building and signs in a language other than english was pretty nice. That's how I knew I was in China. Chinese were selling fish, fruits, vegetables, and fruits. I had the chance to try lychee. It was so sweet. We took the shell off and ate the white fruit. I was told the fruit helps cool your body temperature.  Little Italy was too cute. People were eating outside at restaurants, just like Italy.

In Korea town we went to a restaurant called Miss Korea. We got the chance to bar-be-que Korean food. We ate bulgogi. It was my first time having it.The dish consisted of marinated beef. You're suppose to roll everything in the lettuce and roll it up. Then you have to put the whole thing in your mouth. After eating there, we went to the cupcake bakery called, Sprinkles. I wanted the peanut butter cupcake,  but they were gone. Instead, I got a strawberry cupcake. It was delicious. They were so moist and tasted homemade.

We decided to go to Staten Island. When I think about it now, I have no clue why we decided to go there. I guess we can say we made it to another bureau of NYC. There wasn't anything for us to do or see. However, when we took the ferry there we saw the Statue of Liberty.

Wednesday June 4, 2014

A night in the city

Janelle Monae was performing at Prospect Park in Brooklyn for free. We decided to go because it was free and plus we could finally get our Brooklyn pizza. Once we got to the park, it was too crowded. Security only let people in if people came out. People were behind the gate across the street watching Janelle Monae. We came all the way out for the concert, so we decided to stay and watch her from a distance. After the concert, we were looking for pizza places. We finally had Brooklyn pizza. It was very tasty.

I believe this would be a night to remember. A free concert in the park and Brooklyn pizza- nothing could be better than that at the moment!

Tuesday June 3, 2014


I caught the wrong bus heading to work in the morning. It was a good thing I left early so I could have time to waste. The associate for CBS was the first person I met. He allowed us to set up our CBS email address. We sat at our desk wondering what to expect when meeting our supervisor, Cathy Lewis. We had the chance to meet one of the senior producers for Sunday Morning, Gavin Boyle. Everyone who walked by our desk greeted us with warm welcoming. Cathy Lewis came in and we had a meeting in the conference room. From the moment she told us about the internship, I knew the summer would be good.

We took a tour and met other producers. After the introduction, we were put to work. Another intern and I sorted CDs. There had to be over 6,000 movies and albums together. We had to put them back in the bins in the order they were found in. Another intern went through tapes of Charles Osgood, and logged the times he was shown in the tapes. I also answered phone calls at the front desk. Everyone kept calling. It was amazing talking with other producers and putting them through to our producers. People kept calling for Rand Morrison. He wasn't in. I wanted to meet Rand Morrison myself. He's the executive producer for Sunday Morning.

 Everyone said tomorrow would be a much faster day because that's when everyone is in. Overall, it was still a good day.

A night in the city

Everyone decided to stay in the for the night to catch up on rest. Don't worry NYC, we'll be back later!

Monday June 2, 2014


When walking to the bus stop Monday morning, the interns and I almost got hit by a car. I guess you can say that was our first experience dealing with the crazy traffic. My heart ceased when I saw the words, 'CBS Broadcast Center.' We were approaching the center.

The room soon filled with 50 students from all over. We were all here as interns. We were all eager to start working in our departments. I kept thinking about how I could make this opportunity more than a class credit. I wanted to learn things I wouldn't learn at Florida A&M University. I told myself I wanted to become a better person. By the end of the internship, I want to leave NYC as a different person.

Later that day we  received our badges and took a tour. Each group went to their department area, so we would know how to get there. When I walked into the Sunday Morning office, I saw the sun. I grew happy. Tomorrow would be the day I officially begin working.

A night in the city

We longed to see the bright lights. What better place to see them that Times Square. The fellows and I  took the train to Times Square. They say don't look up at the buildings once you get off the train. We did. People will know you are from the South. We are. I couldn't help it. Everything was so big, gigantic, and loud. The traffic was crazy and unlike St. Petersburg Fl, many cars rode the red lights.

We didn't really want to do much. We just wanted to walk the area. We even saw the naked cow boy. The whole NYC experience was finally happening. One guy had numerous of rats all over his body. This lady kept taking pictures of us off her camera without our permission, and caricature artists were on every block. Everyone was diverse. I saw many skin colors and ethnic backgrounds. The people walking seemed free, and for the first time I felt free.

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